State Aid Fiscal Year 2020 Municipality Previous Year State Aid Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure Tax-based Endowment Total Barrington $377,408 $1,716,368 $379,945 $2,134 $382,079 Bristol $192,571 $878,459 $194,460 $194,460 Burrillville $173,440 $784,863 $173,742 $173,742 Central Falls $26,487 $118,825 $26,304 $5,810 $32,114 Charlestown $51,117 $232,708 $51,514 $973 $52,487 Coventry $232,971 $1,046,547 $231,669 $231,669 Cranston $599,627 $2,749,715 $608,692 $13,793 $622,485 Cumberland $279,091 $1,265,242 $280,081 $2,954 $283,035 East Greenwich $131,335 $520,235 $115,162 $14,429 $129,591 East Providence $418,643 $1,900,102 $420,617 $420,617 Exeter $49,367 $236,058 $52,255 $52,255 Foster $33,624 $150,842 $33,391 $33,391 Glocester $78,446 $354,428 $78,458 $1,107 $79,565 Hopkinton $34,850 $132,000 $29,220 $7,482 $36,702 Jamestown $123,716 $472,998 $104,705 $2,479 $107,185 Johnston $120,586 $529,754 $117,269 $2,169 $119,439 Lincoln $202,908 $947,317 $209,703 $209,703 Little Compton $34,306 $161,595 $35,772 $35,772 Middletown $145,601 $653,323 $144,623 $144,623 Narragansett $187,492 $841,103 $186,191 $186,191 Newport $412,478 $1,840,411 $407,403 $2,214 $409,617 New Shoreham $84,344 $414,830 $91,829 $91,829 North Kingstown $278,709 $1,305,019 $288,886 $8,205 $297,091 North Providence $197,946 $895,500 $198,233 $198,233 North Smithfield $77,887 $357,147 $79,060 $79,060 Pawtucket $390,645 $1,871,533 $414,293 $1,289 $415,582 Portsmouth $114,736 $504,500 $111,679 $4,388 $116,067 Providence $1,282,046 $3,995,000 $884,355 $442,413 $1,326,768 Richmond $24,913 $97,000 $21,472 $3,524 $24,997 Scituate $104,590 $478,584 $105,942 $105,942 Smithfield $295,708 $1,374,433 $304,252 $343 $304,595 South Kingstown $213,881 $938,543 $207,761 $17,344 $225,105 Tiverton $122,624 $565,000 $125,071 $125,071 Warren $56,679 $257,548 $57,012 $509 $57,521 Warwick $737,667 $3,366,199 $745,160 $27,125 $772,285 Westerly $315,893 $410,000 $90,760 $226,250 $317,009 West Greenwich $36,772 $176,304 $39,028 $39,028 West Warwick $160,224 $696,890 $154,267 $8,314 $162,581 Woonsocket $197,081 $916,699 $202,925 $202,925 Apportionment: 22.14%Previous Year State Aid: $8,598,411Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure: $36,153,622Tax-Based Grant-in-Aid: $8,003,163Endowment-Based Grant-in-Aid: $795,248Total Grant-in-Aid: $8,798,411Statewide Reference Resource Center: $701,052Institutional Library Grant-in-Aid: $62,609State Aid to Public Libraries: $9,562,072Public Library Construction Reimbursement$1,937,230Total State Aid to Libraries: $11,499,302State budget: Link to State BudgetExecutive Summary:…