Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration
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Library of Rhode Island Resource Sharing

Resource sharing allows Rhode Islanders to obtain resources from over 150 libraries across Rhode Island or from out of the state and pick them up at their local library.
The Library of Rhode Island is a multi-type library network managed by OLIS and governed by resource-sharing standards established by the Library Board of Rhode Island.

Rhode Island libraries are required to certify compliance with the Library of Rhode Island Standards and Regulations annually to gain or maintain membership within this resource sharing network. 

Library of Rhode Island members can access delivery services for interlibrary loans and other resource-sharing activities.

Library of Rhode Island members can access materials from other members or out-of-state libraries. 


To promote and support access to resource sharing materials and programs that foster professional, educational, and recreational enrichment for library staff and patrons in all types of libraries.


  1. Hold bi-monthly meetings to share best practices, innovations, and to address challenges.
  2. Identify educational and professional development needs, engage local, regional or national presenters, and to participate in the planning of programs.
  3. Keep up-to-date LORI resource sharing procedures.
  4. Conduct studies on trends, opportunities, and sustainability and implement changes when appropriate.
  5. To act in an advisory capacity to OLIS on Resource Sharing.

More about the Resource Sharing Working Group


The Spring 2025 LORI Delivery Item Count will take place from Sunday, March 30 to Saturday, April 5, 2025. Participation is required for LORI member libraries. 

Please ensure that at least one staff member is responsible for collecting and submitting the data for your library, including outlets and other locations. 

To facilitate the process, you can use a worksheet to keep a tally of the outgoing items (even if the number of outgoing items is zero). Regardless of the format, purpose or where it is going, if it is being transported out-going by the delivery service, count it.  

Please submit the collected data through the following form beginning April 6. Form closes Saturday, April 26.

OSL member libraries - count ALL outgoing items not checked out through Koha. (OLIS will capture Koha data). This includes anything out-going in your delivery bin to a Massachusetts library. 

Other libraries, DOD (Delivery on Demand), Hub and Satellite locations - must participate in the count and record the number of outgoing items for their library. Please use the worksheet to record items. Hub libraries do not count the items for satellite libraries. Each library must count their own outgoing items. 


The Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) is a member of the Ocean State Libraries (OSL) consortium. Cards are available for the following user groups:

  • State of Rhode Island employees which are non-RI residents.
  • School libraries that are certified members of the Library of Rhode Island (LORI) but do not belong to the OSL consortium.

Library card eligibility, conditions and application information can be found at OLIS Library Card Policy.

Reports and data collected by OLIS as part of the annual certification process and biannual item counts. 

Reports and Statistics

AskRI serves as the online portal to the Statewide Reference Resource Center, which is managed by Providence Public Library and state funded via OLIS. Through AskRI, all Rhode Island residents and libraries have access to a collection of online resources and virtual reference services.