State Aid Fiscal Year 2014 Municipality Previous Year State Aid Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure Tax-based Endowment Total Barrington $334,107 $1,501,472 $338,043 $3,107 $341,149 Bristol $118,895 $576,455 $129,784 $129,784 Burrillville $125,987 $575,479 $129,564 $129,564 Central Falls $47,079 $62,280 $14,022 $14,022 Charlestown $47,128 $208,000 $46,829 $1,008 $47,837 Coventry $207,369 $956,356 $215,315 $215,315 Cranston $524,404 $2,272,548 $511,643 $29,538 $541,181 Cumberland $264,240 $1,186,619 $267,156 $1,175 $268,332 East Greenwich $114,121 $467,175 $105,180 $16,783 $121,963 East Providence $416,425 $1,791,474 $403,334 $403,334 Exeter $40,082 $185,230 $41,703 $41,703 Foster $29,625 $140,219 $31,569 $31,569 Glocester $69,879 $313,350 $70,548 $1,126 $71,674 Hopkinton $29,999 $120,000 $27,017 $7,067 $34,084 Jamestown $79,139 $352,706 $79,408 $1,058 $80,467 Johnston $111,963 $511,367 $115,130 $5,250 $120,380 Lincoln $189,340 $852,095 $191,841 $191,841 Little Compton $28,078 $131,783 $29,670 $29,670 Middletown $128,935 $602,139 $135,566 $135,566 Narragansett $121,555 $546,569 $123,055 $123,055 Newport $374,002 $1,671,719 $376,372 $2,154 $378,526 New Shoreham $73,011 $347,855 $78,316 $78,316 North Kingstown $257,842 $1,142,589 $257,243 $6,467 $263,710 North Providence $164,384 $762,858 $171,750 $171,750 North Smithfield $62,569 $281,340 $63,341 $63,341 Pawtucket $369,002 $1,395,723 $314,234 $1,010 $315,245 Portsmouth $102,367 $445,477 $100,295 $3,151 $103,446 Providence $1,217,603 $3,500,000 $787,993 $394,786 $1,182,779 Richmond $24,829 $94,827 $21,349 $4,789 $26,139 Scituate $94,008 $422,707 $95,169 $95,169 Smithfield $265,315 $1,187,734 $267,407 $2,251 $269,659 South Kingstown $196,594 $846,223 $190,519 $13,426 $203,946 Tiverton $91,928 $410,000 $92,308 $1,801 $94,109 Warren $51,832 $235,620 $53,048 $513 $53,561 Warwick $662,952 $2,954,183 $665,107 $23,261 $688,368 Westerly $270,491 $410,000 $92,308 $173,235 $265,543 West Greenwich $26,290 $120,484 $27,126 $27,126 West Warwick $171,858 $632,000 $142,289 $5,481 $147,770 Woonsocket $193,184 $876,886 $197,423 $197,423 Apportionment: 22.51%Previous Year State Aid: $7,698,411Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure: $31,091,541Tax-Based Grant-in-Aid: $6,999,973Endowment-Based Grant-in-Aid: $698,438Total Grant-in-Aid: $7,698,411Statewide Reference Resource Center: $1,012,378Institutional Library Grant-in-Aid: $62,609State Aid to Public Libraries: $8,773,398Public Library Construction Reimbursement$2,500,667Total State Aid to Libraries: $11,595,170State budget: Link to State BudgetExecutive Summary:…