State Aid Fiscal Year 2009 Municipality Previous Year State Aid Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure Tax-based Endowment Total Barrington $314,971 $1,373,017 $313,918 $3,805 $317,722 Bristol $57,181 $252,879 $57,817 $57,817 Burrillville $79,855 $350,977 $80,245 $80,245 Central Falls $66,132 $334,974 $76,586 $650 $77,237 Charlestown $45,568 $193,200 $44,172 $1,033 $45,205 Coventry $167,177 $817,164 $186,831 $186,831 Cranston $548,485 $2,375,701 $543,165 $29,076 $572,241 Cumberland $240,606 $1,078,554 $246,593 $1,951 $248,544 East Greenwich $102,399 $434,071 $99,243 $5,898 $105,141 East Providence $499,380 $2,046,620 $467,926 $467,926 Exeter $28,066 $141,778 $32,415 $32,415 Foster $29,271 $145,188 $33,195 $33,195 Glocester $64,709 $278,003 $63,561 $1,572 $65,133 Hopkinton $31,238 $110,000 $25,150 $3,814 $28,963 Jamestown $70,379 $310,839 $71,068 $71,068 Johnston $121,452 $535,500 $122,433 $122,433 Lincoln $172,879 $765,182 $174,946 $174,946 Little Compton $25,425 $110,641 $25,296 $25,296 Middletown $149,936 $625,781 $143,075 $143,075 Narragansett $111,496 $514,180 $117,559 $117,559 Newport $346,433 $1,516,464 $346,714 $2,153 $348,867 New Shoreham $88,246 $406,633 $92,970 $92,970 North Kingstown $234,608 $1,022,186 $233,706 $1,212 $234,918 North Providence $174,550 $782,906 $178,999 $178,999 North Smithfield $60,768 $254,010 $58,075 $58,075 Pawtucket $395,734 $1,789,423 $409,122 $488 $409,610 Portsmouth $109,462 $439,930 $100,583 $3,004 $103,586 Providence $1,285,939 $3,250,000 $743,058 $496,690 $1,239,749 Richmond $22,769 $89,827 $20,538 $5,100 $25,637 Scituate $93,610 $401,932 $91,895 $91,895 Smithfield $240,145 $1,025,924 $234,561 $1,829 $236,390 South Kingstown $194,843 $728,829 $166,635 $23,027 $189,662 Tiverton $87,145 $370,798 $84,777 $1,829 $86,606 Warren $46,087 $190,000 $43,440 $610 $44,050 Warwick $666,767 $2,880,468 $658,571 $17,339 $675,910 Westerly $287,135 $400,000 $91,453 $190,428 $281,881 West Greenwich $21,394 $96,818 $22,136 $22,136 West Warwick $196,189 $814,949 $186,325 $3,882 $190,207 Woonsocket $219,987 $937,182 $214,271 $214,271 Apportionment: 22.86%Previous Year State Aid: $7,698,411Second Preceding Fiscal Year Appropriation and Expenditure: $30,192,535Tax-Based Grant-in-Aid: $6,903,021Endowment-Based Grant-in-Aid: $795,390Total Grant-in-Aid: $7,698,411Statewide Reference Resource Center: $1,012,378Institutional Library Grant-in-Aid: $62,609State Aid to Public Libraries: $11,476,518Public Library Construction Reimbursement$2,765,729Total State Aid to Libraries: $11,539,126State budget: Link to State BudgetExecutive Summary:…