Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration
Questions? Contact:

Report of Alleged Non-Compliance with Standards

As certified members of the Library of Rhode Island (LORI), libraries qualify for services when they are in compliance with Standards.

When member libraries are not in compliance with any part of the Standards, they are subject to loss of delivery services and all other membership privileges.

A library that believes a member library is not complying with the Standards may report it to the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) using the form below. Reports must be made by the library’s Liaison or ILL Contact. All information submitted is confidential.


Before submitting this form, please certify the following information: I am the ILL Contact or Liaison. I have reviewed the Library of Rhode Island Standards and believe there is a violation. I have contacted the library to try to resolve the issue.
Liaison/ILL Contact

Next Steps:

OLIS will investigate and render a written decision within six weeks after submitting a Report of Alleged Non-Compliance with the Library of Rhode Island (LORI) Standards.
When a library is found to violate the Standards, it will be notified by the Chief of Library Services of its non-compliance and given ten business days to provide a written statement of the actions taken to comply with the Standards. If the library disagrees with OLIS' decision, it has a right to appeal it.


Per LORI Standards Section 3.5, a library ruled violating the Standards may appeal that decision. To do this, the library must file a letter of appeal within four weeks of the decision. The library must submit its appeal to the Chair of the Library Board of Rhode Island with a copy to OLIS' Chief of Library Services. The Library Board of Rhode Island will hear the appeal at its next regular meeting or within six weeks, whichever comes first. A written response to the appeal will be sent to the library within two weeks of the appeal hearing.
If the library loses the appeal, it has ten business days to submit a written statement of the actions that have been taken to comply with the Standards.


The library will lose all member privileges if no appeal is filed and no written statement is received. Restoration of privileges will be granted only upon receipt and acceptance of the written statement submitted by the library to comply with the Standards. Reinstatement of privileges will be determined at the discretion of the Chief of Library Services.

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