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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration
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About the LORI Grant Program

Institute of Museum and Library Services
Institute of Museums and Library Services

LORI Grants are offered by the Office of Library and Information Services as subgrants funded through its federal Institute of Museum and Library Services grant under the Grants to States Program supported by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is the primary source of federal support for the nation's libraries and museums. IMLS advances, supports, and empowers America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. The IMLS vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit and follow IMLS on Facebook.

ARPA Technology Grants Instructions

Application Instructions

Access the Application

  • Before you fill out your application, you may want to visit the Technology Grant Application Preview Form to determine the quantity and items you will be requesting. You will need to fill in the actual application in one sitting, you cannot save your progress and complete it later.
  • Visit the Technology Grant Application Portal
  • Enter your 3-letter library code and the application password that OLIS has provided to you. If you do not have your password, please contact Karen Andrews.

Basic Information

  • Your library name, address and telephone number are pre-filled, along with the maximum grant amount for which your library is eligible. Libraries serving populations under 10,000 are awarded an $8,000 base grant; libraries serving populations over 10,000 are awarded a $10,000 base grant for their primary location, with an additional $2,500 per branch location. A further twenty-five percent (25%) stipend is added if the library is in a distressed community. The application will calculate the maximum grant amount to include these adjustments. If you believe there is an error in your library’s information or the amount for which you are eligible, contact Karen Andrews.
  • Fill in the Library Director information.
  • Fill in the Grant or Technical Director information. This is the person primarily responsible for executing the grant on a daily basis. If that person will be the Library Director, check off the box indicating that the Library Director will act as the Grant or Technical Coordinator. Doing so will automatically copy the Director’s information into this section.
  • Fill in the Payee Information
    • All libraries must enter the entity that will receive payment, for example, the municipality, the library (requires the library’s legal name), the library’s foundation, or other fiscal agent.
    • For federal reporting purposes, the payee must have a DUNS number. The DUNS number must match the name of the entity receiving payment.
    • If there is payee information already on file with OLIS, the application will offer the option to choose this payee information. Please review to ensure that this information reflects the correct entity and its corresponding DUNS number.
    • If you need to change the entity or any of the corresponding information, choose “Add a New Payee” and complete the corresponding form.
    • If you do not have payee information on file with us, you will only see a blank form for this section. This can be filled out as normal.

Equipment Requests

  • Public access computers and certain other equipment can be purchased through Ocean State Libraries at a set cost. If you will be purchasing equipment through Ocean State Libraries, please fill out the “Equipment Available Through Ocean State Libraries” section.
    • Select the equipment, its primary purpose, and the number of units you will be purchasing.
    • Once you select an item, you must fill in each field in the corresponding row in order to submit your application.
    • The form will auto-calculate the totals for each item and provide a subtotal for the section; the grant total will be reflected in the Grant Budget Summary at the bottom of the page
  • Fill out the Other Equipment section for equipment that will be purchased independently by the library, including tablets or iPads, smartboards, and audio and video equipment for library programming (visit the ARPA Technology Grant page for a detailed list of eligible expenses).
    • Include:
      • the equipment name,
      • category,
      • a brief explanation of how you will be using this equipment,
      • a link to the item (URL must begin with http or https)
      • the quantity you will be purchasing, and
      • the unit price of the item.
    • Once you enter an item, you must fill in each field in the corresponding row to submit your application.
    • The form will auto-calculate the total for each item and provide a subtotal for the section; the grant total will be reflected in the Grant Budget Summary at the bottom of the page
  • The Grant Budget Summary will total all your requested equipment purchases and will display the percentage of the total allowable grant request funds that you have utilized. Although you can revise your application if necessary, you may only fill out one application and receive one award during the grant period.
  • Your grant total will round up to the nearest dollar
  • Upon submitting the application, you will be taken to a confirmation page that you should print/save for your records

Next Steps

  • OLIS will review your application, either approving or requesting additional information. With the exception of computers and peripherals (monitors, keyboards, mice, receipt printers), libraries should wait until the application is approved to ensure the equipment is eligible for reimbursement. Any single piece of equipment that costs over $5,000 must be preapproved before the library purchases it.
  • Libraries whose applications have been approved will receive an agreement and federal assurances that must be signed and returned to OLIS.
  • OLIS will share information with Ocean State Libraries regarding purchases the library intends to make. However, libraries must complete an order form with OSL to execute the purchase. Libraries will pay OSL directly for any grant-funded equipment, as they would for any other purchase; OLIS will not make payments to OSL.
  • The reimbursement portal will open the week of July 5. Libraries must submit receipts for purchases in order to receive reimbursement. An invoice from OSL will suffice for purchases made through OSL.
  • Libraries may not request payment prior to July 5; all grant payments will be made in fiscal year 2022 (starts July 1, 2021).
