Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration

Legislative Updates


H 7292:

Increases the state's share to support local public library services in distressed communities, by an amount equal to the amount paid by the distressed city or town into the ocean state libraries (OSL) annual assessment charges.

Read the full text for S 2029 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Representative Shelby Maldonado
  • Representative Patricia A. Serpa
  • Representative Jean P. Barros
  • Representative Raymond A. Hull
  • 01-22-2016

    Introduced, referred to House Finance.

  • 05-23-2016

    Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (5/25/16)

  • 05-25-2016

    Committee recommended measure be held for further study

Companion Bill: S 2029
H 7454:

An act making appropriations for the support of the state for fiscal year ending June 30, 20117.

Read the full text for H 7454 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Representative Marvin L. Abney
  • 02-03-2016

    Introduced, referred to House Finance

  • 06-05-2016

    Scheduled for consideration (06/07/16)

  • 06-07-2016

    Committee recommends passage of H7454 Sub A

  • 06-08-2016

    H7454 Sub A Placed on House Calendar (06/15/16)

  • 06-15-2016

    Hearing: Rise of the House, Rm. 35, State House

See Sub A
Read the full text for Sub A at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
S 2029:

Will increase the state's share to support local public library services in distressed communities, by an amount equal to the amount paid by the distressed city or town into the ocean state libraries (OSL) annual assessment charges.

Read the full text for S 2029 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Senator Elizabeth Crowley
  • 01-13-2016

    Introduced, referred to Senate Finance.

S 2397:

If approved, requires the state to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve at high levels, and provide for judicial enforcement.

Read the full text for S 2397 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Senator Roger A. Picard


H 5728:

Permits legal notice by way of a department of administration authorized website.

Read the full text for H 5728 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Representative John Carnevale
  • Representative Joseph Almeida
  • Representative Scott A. Slater
  • Representative Grace Diaz
  • Representative Thomas Palangio
  • 02-26-2015

    Introduced, referred to House Finance.

H 5836:

Increases the state's share to support local public library services in distressed communities, by an amount equal to the amount paid by the distressed city or town into the ocean state libraries (OSL) annual assessment charges.

Read the full text for H 5836 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Representative Shelby Maldonado
  • Representative Michael Morin
  • Representative Carlos Tobon
  • Representative John Carnevale
  • Representative Arthur J. Corvese
  • 03-11-2015

    Introduced, referred to House Finance.

  • 03-20-2015

    Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration

  • 03-25-2015

    Committee recommended measure be held for further study.

H 5900:

An act relating to making appropriations for the support of the state for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016.

Read the full text for H 5900 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Representative Raymond Gallison, Jr.
  • 03-13-2015

    Introduced, referred to House Finance.

  • 06-05-2015

    Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2015)

  • 06-09-2015

    Committee recommends passage of Sub A

  • 06-09-2015

    Placed on House Calendar (06/16/2015)

  • 06-15-2015

    Scheduled to be heard and /or considered in anticipation of House passage (06/17/2015)

  • 06-16-2015

    House passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment)

  • 06-16-2015

    Referred to Senate Finance

  • 06-17-2015

    Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended in concurrence

  • 06-17-2015

    Placed on Senate Calendar (06/23/2015)

  • 06-23-2015

    Senate passed Sub A as amended in concurrence

  • 06-25-2015

    Transmitted to Governor

  • 06-30-2015

    Signed by Governor

S 0007:

A joint resloution to approve and submit to electors an amendment to the state constitution, right to an adequate education. Legislation proposes changing language about libraries in Section 1 of Article XII.

Read the full text for S 0007 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Senator Roger A. Picard
  • Senator Ryan W. Pearson
  • 01-13-2015

    Introduced, referred to Senate Education.

S 0705:

Increases the state's share to support local public library services in distressed communities, by an amount equal to the amount paid by the distressed city or town into the ocean state libraries (OSL) annual assessment charges.

Read the full text for S 0705 at the Rhode Island General Assembly website.
  • Senator Elizabeth Crowley
  • Senator Maryellen Goodwin
  • Senator Donna Nesselbush
  • 03-18-2015

    Introduced, referred to Senate Finance.

  • 04-03-2015

    Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration

  • 04-09-2015

    Committee heard

Companion Bill: H 5836