Legislative Updates
Repeals the requirement that the school committee policy manual be kept in the school library, public library and administrative building and require that the manual be kept in the school library, public library and administrative building and require that the manual be available on the school district website.
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Frank Lombardo III
- Senator Louis P. DiPalma
- Senator Frank A. Ciccone, III
- 03-07-2023
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
- 05-31-2023
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
- 06-07-2023
Committee recommends passage
- 06-08-2023
Senate passed as amended (floor amendment)
- 06-12-2023
House passed as amended in concurrence
- 06-14-2023
Transmitted to Governor
- 06-19-2023
Signed by Governor
Requires publishers to provide electronic book licenses to libraries and schools on reasonable terms, when a publisher offers to license electronic books and digital audiobooks to the public in Rhode Island.
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator Bridget G. Valverde
- Senator Pamela J. Lauria
- 03-07-2023
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
- 05-31-2023
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Provides for an annual appropriation for the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society.
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Robert Britto
- Senator Jonathon Acosta
- Senator Mark P. McKenney
- Senator David P. Tikoian
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Dawn Euer
- Senator Meghan E. Kallman
- Senator Pamela J. Lauria
- Senator Samuel W. Bell
- 03-07-2023
Introduced, referred to Senate Finance
- 05-16-2023
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Requires that the state’s share to public libraries be fixed at twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount appropriated by the city or town in their budgets for fiscal year 2023, utilizing funds from the general fund or the American Rescue Plan Act.
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator Bridget G. Valverde
- Senator Pamela J. Lauria
- 03-07-2023
Introduced, referred to Senate Finance
Senate Resolution proclaiming April 23-29, 2023, to be "National Library Week" in the State of Rhode Island
- Senator Mark P. McKenney
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Frank S. Lombardi
- Senator V. Susan Sosnowski
- Senator Walter S. Felag, Jr.
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Frank Lombardo III
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Jessica de la Cruz
- Senator Elaine J. Morgan
- 04-25-2023
Recommended for Immediate Consideration
- 04-25-2023
Senate read and passed
Establishes the twelve (12) member broadband council to create a plan to increase the use of broadband service in the state. A broadband administrator is to be designated in RI Commerce Corporation to access federal funds and coordinate with the council.
- Representative Deborah Ruggerio
- Representative Marvin L. Abney
- Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy
- Representative Robert E. Craven, Sr.
- Representative Lauren H. Carson
- Representative Terri Cortvriend
- Representative Katherine S. Kazarian
- Representative Michelle E. McGaw
- Representative Joseph J. Solomon, Jr.
- Representative Kathleen A. Fogarty
- 01-12-2022
Introduced, referred to House Innovation, Internet, & Technology
- 02-09-2022
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Creates electronic book licenses for all public, private, academic and educational libraries allowing libraries to provide access to electronic books with violation deemed unfair/deceptive trade practice.
- Representative Lauren H. Carson
- Representative Justine A. Caldwell
- Representative Kathleen A. Fogarty
- Representative Susan R. Donovan
- Representative Terri Cortvriend
- Representative Michelle E. McGaw
- Representative Deborah Ruggerio
- Representative Gregg Amore
- Representative Brandon C. Potter
- 01-20-2022
Introduced, referred to House Corporations
- 02-01-2022
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Makes appropriations for the support of the State for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
- Representative Marvin L. Abney
- 01-20-2022
Introduced, referred to House Finance
- 06-07-2022
Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2022)
- 06-09-2022
Committee recommends passage of Sub A
- 06-17-2022
Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/21/2022)
- 06-21-2022
Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended in concurrence
- 06-23-2022
Senate passed Sub A as amended in concurrence
- 06-24-2022
Transmitted to Governor
- 06-27-2022
Signed by Governor
Fully funds state aid to libraries at 25%
Makes appropriations for the support of the State for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.
- Representative Marvin L. Abney
- 01-20-2022
Introduced, referred to House Finance
- 06-07-2022
Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2022)
- 06-09-2022
Committee recommends passage of Sub A
- 06-17-2022
Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/21/2022)
- 06-21-2022
Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended in concurrence
- 06-23-2022
Senate passed Sub A as amended in concurrence
- 06-24-2022
Transmitted to Governor
- 06-27-2022
Signed by Governor
Requires a judicial warrant before federal immigration authorities are granted access to certain designated locations. Limit the state and local law enforcement agencies in assisting federal immigration authorities.
- Representative David Morales
- Representative Karen Alzate
- Representative Michelle E. McGaw
- Representative Joshua J. Giraldo
- Representative Jose F. Batista
- Representative Brianna E. Henries
- Representative Anastasia Williams
- Representative Nathan W. Biah
- Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
- Representative Leonela Felix
- 01-28-2022
Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
- 03-03-2022
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Require that both curriculum and teaching practices in Rhode Island schools protect and respect the civil rights of all members of the school community.
- Representative Patricia L. Morgan
- 02-18-2022
Introduced, referred to House Education
- 04-11-2022
Committee recommended measure be held for further study