Legislative Updates
The Protected Spaces Act: Limits the ability for any federal immigration authority to investigate, detain, apprehend or arrest any individuals for potential violations of federal immigration laws without a judicial warrant within certain protected locations (including public libraries).
- Representative Karen Alzate
- Representative Brandon C. Potter
- Representative Julie A. Casimiro
- Representative Joshua J. Giraldo
- Representative David Morales
- Representative Jennifer Smith Boylan
- Representative Enrique George Sanchez
- Representative Brandon T. Voas
- Representative Edith H. Ajello
- Representative Katherine S. Kazarian
- 01-29-2025
Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
Requires that the state's share to public libraries be fixed at twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount appropriated by the city or town in their budgets for fiscal year 2026.
- Representative David Morales
- Representative Brandon C. Potter
- Representative Cherie L. Cruz
- Representative Matt S. Dawson
- Representative Carol Hagan McEntee
- Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
- Representative John J. Lombardi
- Representative Teresa Ann Tanzi
- Representative Robert Craven
- 02-07-2025
Introduced, referred to House Finance
House Resolution: Amends the constitution to guarantee Rhode Island residents with equal opportunity to receive an education that is adequate, equitable and meaningful and provides judicial enforcement of this provision.
- Representative Mary Duffy Messier
- Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
- Representative John G. Edwards
- Representative Arthur Handy
- Representative Katherine S. Kazarian
- Representative Brandon C. Potter
- Representative Mary Ann Shallcross Smith
- Representative Patricia A. Serpa
- Representative Terri Cortvriend
- Representative Deborah A. Fellela
- 02-12-2025
Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections
Creates the School Libraries Act.
- Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
- Representative David Morales
- Representative June Speakman
- Representative Jennifer Smith Boylan
- Representative Kathleen A. Fogarty
- Representative Brandon C. Potter
- Representative Teresa Ann Tanzi
- Representative John J. Lombardi
- Representative Cherie L. Cruz
- 02-13-2025
Introduced, referred to House Education
The Freedom to Read Act: Promotes free expression and access of information by prohibiting the censorship of library materials.
- Representative David Morales
- Representative Jennifer A. Stewart
- Representative Christopher G. Paplauskas
- Representative Jennifer Smith Boylan
- Representative Lauren H. Carson
- Representative Megan L. Cotter
- Representative Edith H. Ajello
- Representative June Speakman
- Representative Arthur Handy
- Representative Rebecca M. Kislak
- 02-26-2025
Introduced, referred to House State Government & Elections
Amends the constitution to guarantee Rhode Island residents with equal opportunity to receive an education that is adequate, equitable and meaningful and provides judicial enforcement of this provision.
- Senator Jonathon Acosta
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator Bridget G. Valverde
- Senator Dawn Euer
- Senator Samuel D. Zurier
- Senator Peter A. Appollonio, Jr.
- Senator Melissa A. Murray
- Senator Jacob "Jake" Bissaillon
- Senator Ana B. Quezada
- 02-07-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
The School Libraries Act: Requires every public school in Rhode Island to have a school library or library media center in a permanent and dedicated space available to students in grades K-12 with a librarian available.
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Peter A. Appollonio, Jr.
- Senator Bridget G. Valverde
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator Meghan E. Kallman
- 02-07-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
- 03-12-2025
Committee continued
The Freedom to Read Act: Promotes free expression and access of information by prohibiting the censorship of library materials.
- Senator Mark P. McKenney
- Senator Jacob "Jake" Bissaillon
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Victoria Gu
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator David P. Tikoian
- Senator Robert Britto
- 02-13-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
- 03-12-2025
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Requires that the state's share to public libraries be fixed at twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount appropriated by the city or town in their budgets for fiscal year 2026.
- Senator Mark P. McKenney
- Senator Robert Britto
- Senator John P. Burke
- Senator Matthew L. LaMountain
- Senator Peter A. Appollonio, Jr.
- Senator V. Susan Sosnowski
- Senator Melissa A. Murray
- Senator Alana DiMario
- Senator Andrew R. Dimitri
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- 02-26-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Fiance
The Protected Spaces Act: Limits the ability for any federal immigration authority to investigate, detain, apprehend or arrest any individuals for potential violations of federal immigration laws without a judicial warrant within certain protected locations (including public libraries).
- Senator Jacob "Jake" Bissaillon
- Senator Tiara T. Mack
- Senator Jonathon Acosta
- Senator Ana B. Quezada
- Senator Valarie J. Lawson
- Senator Samuel W. Bell
- 02-26-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
Creates the School Libraries Act.
- Senator Hanna M. Gallo
- Senator Mark P. McKenney
- Senator David P. Tikoian
- Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis
- Senator Matthew L. LaMountain
- Senator Louis P. DiPalma
- 03-07-2025
Introduced, referred to Senate Education
- 03-12-2025
Committee recommended measure be held for further study