Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration

OLIS News and Updates

Let's Build an Inclusive Community! Olmstead Listening Sessions in-person and on Zoom

Share your experiences and ideas to help improve services for people with disabilities in Rhode Island.

We want to hear from people who are blind or have low vision about what’s working, what’s not, and what changes would make it easier to live, work, and


The New American Bible Large Print, FREE from Xavier Society

Xavier Society for the Blind is pleased to announce the release of the New American Bible in large print! In 13 volumes! The Bible will be size 22 font, sans-serif.

They are also delighted to now provide the Mass Propers in large print every month - these are essentially the Missalettes for Mass and in


Smart Speaker Program, January 16

The topic for the Thursday, January 16, 2025, Smart Speaking to the Smart Speaker program will be Searching for Books with the Smart Speaker.

The topic for the Thursday, January 16, 2025, Smart Speaking to the Smart Speaker program will be Searching for Books with the Smart Speaker.


New DA2 Wifi-Enabled Player Machines

Big news to start the new year: This spring NLS will begin offering patrons a new audiobook player, replacing the first generation of players introduced in 2009.

This player, model DA2, has new features including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and 28 GB of internal storage.


Next Many Faces of BARD, Date Change

Due to January 9, 2025, being designated a National Day of Mourning for President Carter, all federal buildings will be closed.


2025 Calendars Update

All pocket calendars have now been shipped. The producer began distribution of the wall calendars as of 12/18/2024.

Due to various holiday interruptions, the wall calendars will be shipped in small batches.