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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration

Reading Across Rhode Island Hosts Public Programming

RARI Programming Guide Image
The RARI Programming and Education Committees have been hard at work putting together some programming opportunities for educators, librarians, and community members!

Tuesday, March 11 @ 7:00 pm

Join the RARI Programming Committee and Symposium Books at the Guild in Pawtucket for a Silent Book Club. Bring what you're currently reading (or listening to, with headphones!), grab a copy of There's Always This Year or one of the companion reads, and settle in for an hour of silent reading. For those who imbibe, we invite you to grab a pint of the current Pints for Purpose brew, $2 of which will go to the Center for the Book to support all of their incredible work.


Tuesday, March 18 @ 5:00 pm

Join Rhode Island Center for the Book, Rhode Island PBS and The Public's Radio, statewide educators and community partners for the There's Always This Year Evening for Educators and Book Discussion Leaders! This un-conference style meeting will invite participants to explore ways to teach and lead discussions on the book. Thinking about trying the Lego Serious Discussions? We'll have examples of the kits available to give you a hands-on trial before you lead it yourself!


Missed the librarian webinar? Find the recording and resources on our Online Learning Center! You may also review our LibGuide for lots of the information about our programming year.
