2023-2027 Strategic Plan Development
The Office of Library and Information Services is developing its new five-year plan for the use of federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding for federal fiscal years 2023-2027. The LSTA Five-Year State Plan encompasses all activities and services at OLIS that are supported in part or in whole with federal funds. The plan is developed and submitted to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to fulfill requirements of the Grants to States Program, the largest source of federal funding for library services in the U.S. In fiscal year 2021, LSTA funds constituted 45% of the OLIS budget.
More Information
- Five-Year Plan 2023-2027
- Framework for Comprehensive State Plan (June 2022)
- Five-Year Plan 2023-2027 (draft) (June 9, 2022)
- Framework for Comprehensive State Plan (draft) (May 2022)
- Provide input on the plan framework (through June 3, 2022) - see the Environmental Assessment Summary for identified needs and priorities in the community.
- Five Year Plan Community Input Session (June 2, 2022)
- Environmental Scan
An environmental assessment was conducted by Empower Success Corps (ESC) March-April 2022. Community input was sought through an online survey, focus groups, and one on one interviews. - Strategic Plan Development: Activities and Timeline