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State of Rhode Island, Office of Library & Information Services , An agency of the Department of Administration


Contact Talking Books Staff at (401) 574-9310 or email us at

You can also contact:

Alicia Waters
Library Services Coordinator

Neshmayda Calderon
Information Services Technician: Talking Books

Kelley Lima
Information Services Technician: LORI Services

Talking Times, Fall 2024 - Section 1

Magazines on Cartridge Changes 

As a patron receiving audio magazines on cartridge from the National Library Service, we wanted to share the news of some changes that will occur over the next few weeks. The National Library Service has transitioned audio magazine services, so patrons will now receive their magazines from the Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library. This change will give you more timely delivery, as your audio magazines will now be shipped locally from Perkins.  Otherwise, you should notice very little change. If you receive multiple audio magazines that come out around the same time, they will arrive on the same cartridge. If there is more than one magazine on the cartridge, the number of magazines will be stated when you put your cartridge in the player. For now, your magazine cartridges will come in either a blue or gray container. The cartridge inside has a white label that shows MAGAZINES -- in both large print and braille. We hope to receive our red mailing containers shortly. The red container will also have the word magazines on the outside in braille and in large print to assist those who want to keep your magazines separate from your books. To return your magazines, just put the cartridge back inside the mailing container and drop it in the mail with the card reversed. If the cards fall out, there is an address sticker on the container, so it will still go back to the Perkins Library. To continue receiving your audio magazines promptly, please return your cartridges within six to eight weeks.   

Using Bookshelf Mode for Multiple Titles on Cartridge

The DTBM (Digital Talking Book Machine) contains software that allows it to read more than one book or magazine stored on a USB flash drive (also called a thumb drive) or digital cartridge. This is known as Bookshelf mode.  To enter Bookshelf mode, hold down the green, square Play/Stop button at the front of your digital machine. After about five seconds, you will hear a beep, and the machine will announce "Bookshelf."  Then, it will announce the name of the book or magazine that was most recently played.  Press the rewind (RW) or fast-forward (FF) buttons to move to another book or magazine. (These are the triangular white buttons on either side of the Play/Stop button.) The player always announces the titles of the books.

DA2 Player Units to be Distributed to Members in 2025

The pilot for the new Wi-Fi-enabled player device has been completed. Between January and March 2025, NLS plans to begin distributing these new devices to members who already have Wi-Fi access in their place of residence. Members will be notified when the DA2 players are available.  

New BARD Download Limits 

NLS patrons can download no more than 250 books and magazines from BARD in any rolling thirty-day period. This includes both audio and braille titles. It does not matter which platform or combination of platforms are used to download the books and magazines. You may download no more than 250 books and magazines in any rolling thirty-day period, regardless of the format or the BARD interface used. The authorization limit is calculated using the number of “unique titles” downloaded. This means you can download the same title on additional devices in the same thirty-day period without that download counting against the authorization limit.