Talking Times, Winter 2020 - Section 1
Talking Books Library Update
Through this difficult time of the coronavirus (COVID) pandemic, the Talking Books Library staff have continued to provide full services to our members, and will continue to reach out to those who may be eligible for this program. If you know of someone who may qualify for the talking books program, please spread the word. Talking books have been a lifesaver for many who have been shut-in due to the coronavirus situation. With the added benefit of the Braille and Audio Reading Download Program (BARD), so many of you have told us how this program has made all the difference in the world to you, as we all wait for this terrible crisis to end. Please continue to make your requests known to us by calling (401)574-9310 or by emailing us at, and know that we do get your messages and emails and will respond as soon as possible. In the coming weeks, we will institute a new telephone system (same phone number) that will enable us to answer more of your calls directly. Our services will continue as usual, with strict safety precautions in place to keep our staff and the materials we ship to you safe. Please take care and be safe.
NLS Collections...Did You Know?
The Talking Books Library is part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). The NLS collection contains more than 281,000 books in physical format, of which more than 74,000 are braille books or braille music scores and 207,000 are talking books on cartridge. Currently 47 audio and 39 braille magazine titles, selected for the program based on reader interest, are available through NLS by subscription. Other magazines are available on BARD, Braille and Audio Reading Download. Readers may subscribe to such titles as People, National Geographic, and Consumer Reports in audio and ESPN: The Magazine and the New York Times Large Print Weekly in braille. A variety of magazines for children are also available. BARD contains more than 115,000 book titles for download, 70 digital audio magazine titles, and 53 ebraille magazine titles, with new materials added regularly. The NLS music collection, which is the largest of its kind in the world, contains musical scores, instrumental instruction and histories of performers and composers in braille, audio and large print format with approximately 25,000 titles. Let the TBL staff know if you wish to subscribe to the NLS Music Collection.
Now Accepting Electronic Signatures on Applications
Beginning January 2021, the National Library Service will begin allowing electronic signatures for certifying authority on talking books applications. If all relevant information is complete i.e. name, title, organization, full address, phone number, email address and date, the certifying authority may sign the application online with an electronic signature. This will allow the easy transfer of applications via email, scan etc. to avoid the delays of US mail.
New Eligibility and Certifying Authority
Now, it is even easier for eligible individuals to sign up for talking books. As of January 1, 2021, a reading disability can be certified by school psychologists, special education teachers and medical doctors on an individual's application for the talking books program. Previously, the signature of a medical doctor was required to certify a reading disability.