Talking Times, Summer 2019 - Section 5
Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry
While it seems like winter just ended, hurricane season is coming - it starts on June 1! Many people need extra help during an emergency. If you are vision impaired, blind or physically handicapped, you may enroll in the RI Special Needs Emergency Registry which alerts your local police, fire and rescue to better prepare for their response to your emergency.
Members with BARD Accounts - Download the TBL Newsletter
As a member of TBL BARD service, consider downloading the newsletter instead of subscribing to the digital hard copy through the mail. You will avoid mail delivery, due dates, and overdue notices that can cause a cancelled subscription to the newsletter. Email today and ask to switch to the electronic subscription of the newsletter. You will get an email announcement whenever there is a new issue.
Talking Books Library Annual Report FY 2018
During fiscal year (FY)2018, the Talking Books Library staff have been busy processing new member applications and assisting members with their BARD accounts. We have mailed 38,394 digital and braille audio books and members downloaded 11,384 books through BARD. Talking Books had 1,618 active members, including 1,526 individuals and 92 institutional members. TBL connected with Rhode Islanders last fall at the Assistive Technology Conference of New England and the National Federation of the Blind RI Conference at the Crowne Plaza, Radisson in Warwick. We also promoted TBL programs and resources to RI librarians, focusing on inclusive programs for people with visual impairments and other disabilities. In June, we updated veterans with low vision on TBL services at the VA Medical Center in Providence. Throughout the year, we visited senior centers throughout the state and promoted library programs through our website and our blog. We published 2 newsletters and mailed 1,927 Large Print, 474 Digital Cartridges and emailed 761 Talking Times Newsletters to members. We will continue supporting your needs and promoting our resources and activities to Rhode Islanders in the next year!
Some Important Tips and Reminders for Our Members
If you have chosen to be a "Request List" only patron, this means that you must have titles or items in your request list or no books will go out to you. You may add requests to your account by logging into the WebOPAC catalog and selecting titles to be placed in your book basket. You may rush up to 3 items. Rushed items will be given the highest priority in selecting books for shipment. You may also call the Talking Books Library staff at (401)574-9310 or email us at to provide us with the numbers for titles you wish to have added to your request list. If you do not receive books and you know that you have titles in your list, this may be due to copies being unavailable to fill your request. Please do not allow too much time to pass before you call us to let us know. If you are an "On Demand" patron, this means that you will only receive books when you call or email us to send them to you. No matter what type of service you have been assigned to, please remember that when you reach your maximum number of books out, the system will block any additional books from going out. Please return books as soon as you are done reading them. This ensures that those titles are available to other readers and will be checked in and updated to status "Returned" on your account. If you move or change your phone number, please contact the Talking Books staff so that we may update your account. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Tax Deductible Donations
Every gift to the RI Talking Books Library benefits all members of the program. Contributions allow us to fund projects not covered in the general budget. Donations are accepted in memory of a loved one, family member or to honor an individual. If you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know in an accompanying note. To make a donation, send check or money order payable to the RI Talking Books Library and mail to the RI Office of Library & Information Services, Talking Books Library, One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are used solely for the purchase of materials for the Talking Books Library.
TBL Closings and Holidays
Thursday, July 4, 2019 - Independence Day
Monday, August 12, 2019 - Victory Day
Monday, September 2, 2019 - Labor Day
This publication is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act administered by the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services.