Rules And Resolutions Relating To Libraries

Rhode Island State Laws Relating to Libraries

OLIS Rules and Regulations

[August 30, 2018] Rhode Island is reorganizing all Executive Branch regulations into a uniform state code. This project is being led by the Office of the Secretary of State and Rhode Island Office of Regulatory Reform. A 2016 update to the state's Administrative Procedures Act (APA) requires every state regulation to be rewritten into the new RI Code of Regulations. The regulations promulgated by OLIS have been reformatted to comply with the APA.

Standards and Regulations approved by the Library Board of Rhode Island:

Proposed Standards and Regulations:

RI State Laws & Rules for Library Operations

RI State Laws govern certain aspects of library operations. The following laws are highlighted for libraries. Additional resources from the American Library Association (ALA) are provided for reference.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Records Retention