Digital magazines now available in OSL Catalog
Flipster is a digital magazine service available to all Rhode Islanders through, the online statewide reference resource center. Popular titles offered include National Geographic, Bon Appetit, Rolling Stone, Newsweek Global, Consumer Reports Buying Guide, and dozens more, including several Spanish language magazines.
The AskRI team at Providence Public Library (PPL) worked with OSL to acquire and load MARC records for Flipster titles into Aspen, the interface for the online catalog for Rhode Island public libraries. When searching for magazines, users can now see Flipster content when searching the OSL catalog and connect seamlessly to Flipster to read issues. Previously, users had to go directly to Flipster on AskRI to search for or browse available titles rather than being able to search for digital magazines in the OSL catalog. This integration with the OSL catalog will make it that much easier for users to find and read their favorite magazines.
OLIS thanks Beatrice Pulliam at PPL and Stephen Spohn at OSL for their efforts to make this happen!
AskRI, the statewide reference resource center, is funded by the Office of Library and Information Services with a state appropriation of $1.1 million in fiscal year 2024 for online content and services. Operations are managed by the Providence Public Library. Ocean State Libraries contributes $100,000 in funding for EBSCO databases.
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